Monday, March 31, 2008

urban gardening arkansas - what you need to know

The key is to understanding what the annuals and perennials are, and then planting the ones that match your available sunlight and water requirements. Garden weeds tend to grow rapidly while producing a large number of seeds and will spread very aggressively.

If you are a first time tomato planter, it is important to know that they are put into two different types, depending on how they grow. You can get rid of bugs with squishing the bugs, or if you prefer to use the hose, that works, too.

They come lighter and even in special colors if you so desire. If the flowers bloom more than once, not continuous, there is not enough space to reach the nectar. Placing your hedges in a straight line is important.

The tomato is a tender, long maturing, warm-season crop. Another way to decide which herbs you may want to start with is to look in your cabinets and see the dried herbs you have purchased and start with those. Therefore, when you are looking for hedges consider their height at maturity and what you will need.

So go to your local garden store and have a look around for ideas for this upcoming year. As you can all see, there are many natural and less expensive ways to keep your garden looking fresh.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

hummingbird gardening texas - gardening 101

Your Guide to Planting the Right Herbs for the Kitchen. Whether your home is large, small, or you live in an apartment, a herbal garden can add not only variety and spice to your cooking but also a bit of decoration to your home. Weeds will reduce moisture, nutrition, sunlight and growth space that is needed for your gardens.

This will not always work though, because in the dead of winter they will go in your garden anyway. What exactly is a greenhouse?

So not only will you get the joy of looking at the butterflies, but the gorgeous flowers as well. They will retain their beauty during high temperatures with little to no moisture. Also shiny objects will sometimes keep deer and other larger animals away.

Broad-leafed plants tolerate more exposure, and the summer heat. By planting the slow and fast maturing vegetables near each other you will be able to harvest the fast ones providing more room for the slow growing vegetables. Nectar is a good way to get hummingbirds to show up.

Before long, you will be able to enjoy fresh herbs with your meals. Make sure you always take the time to pick what plants and trees you want for your garden.